Das Motiv, das uns in unseren Kundenbeziehungen antreibt, ist, dass wir helfen, Fortschritte zu machen, effizienter zu werden. Und das kann in vielen Bereichen sein: Herstellungskosten, Arbeitsabläufe, Logistik, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen. Natürlich ist Gewinn notwendig, aber wir streben danach, auf jedes abgeschlossene Projekt stolz zu sein. Das ist erfüllend und ebenso wertvoll. Nennen wir es Arbeitszufriedenheit.
Arranged GmbH is part of the AGOC Group and covering the German speaking customers in DACH region. Arranged BV in Belgium is taking care of all other European countries and overseas export.
The main activities of Arranged are liquid filtration related, but curiosity and inventiveness have resulted in many new ideas, which are innovative and, in a few cases, have no direct link with filtration
The filtration market is constantly evolving, with new technology and suppliers emerging. Regulatory needs are giving new directions on what the industry can use or can not use.
We just refer to the recent PFAS regulation, that will demand that many industries find new solutions for their filters or other parts like gaskets and o-rings. Skilled labour in chemical industry is harder to find, so automatization can be a way out.
At Arranged we close follow this and develop solutions for these challenges.Rely on us, to arrange it !